Karl Borowy


“We strive to turn satisfied customers into fans of EAA. All of us at EAA pull together to accomplish this goal.”



Offers for companies

We offer individual electricity and natural gas supply to companies in Austria and Germany. Our portfolio ranges from standard products all the way to flexible and customised energy solutions. Moreover, we offer consulting in all questions related to intraday trading and control energy marketing. Aside from our electricity and natural gas supply, we also provide services as well as a resource-conserving environmental and green electricity product portfolio

Standard products for business customers

We have developed tailor-made fixed-price models for all kinds of businesses from individual companies to commercial operations as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with an annual consumption of electricity or gas of up to one gigawatt hour (< 1 GWh).

Product tuning for industrial and major customers

For industrial and major customers or trading groups with an annual consumption of electricity or gas of more than one gigawatt hours (> 1 GWh), we offer adequate fixed-price, tranche, portfolio and spot price models according to customer requirements.

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